Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για Υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.
Γεωπονικές – Περιβαντολογικές Επιστήμες (2 θέσεις)
1 | Postdoc position: Adaptive governance of mountain ecosystem services |
Wageningen University | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 15/9/2013 |
IRTA | Spain |
DeadLine : 19/9/2013 |
Θετικές Επιστήμες (15 θέσεις)
1 | Australia : PhD Position-Graphene synthesis on SiC for next-generation photovoltaics and gas sensing. |
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) | Australia |
DeadLine : 20/9/2013 |
2 | Predoctoral position in the field of Image Processing for Remote Sensing |
University of Antwerp | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/10/2013 |
3 | PhD Scholarship in the Process Chain in Microstructured Polymer Optical Fibres Production |
Technical University of Denmark | Denmark |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
4 | Germany : Munich Aerospace Open PhD Position-High performance control of agile flying robots |
German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Germany |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
5 | Germany : Weather and UAVs-Munich Aerospace Open PhD Position |
German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Germany |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
6 | PhD Position in the Ilmenau University of Technology in Germany |
Ilmenau University of Technology | Germany |
7 | PhD Position – Mathematics and Computer Science – Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality |
Universität Bremen | Germany |
DeadLine : 12/9/2013 |
8 | URGENT: Open 4 years PhD grant to work on the simulation of quantum transport in graphene |
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona | Spain |
DeadLine : 10/9/2013 |
IRTA | Spain |
DeadLine : 19/9/2013 |
10 | PhD Positions in Optics and Photonics for International Students (Fall term 2013), Spain |
University Politecnica de Catalunya | Spain |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
11 | 2013 PhD Studentship for Home and EU Applicants at University of Kent in UK |
University of Kent | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 16/9/2013 |
12 | PhD Scholarship in Physical Chemistry |
University of North Dakota | United States |
13 | Postdoctoral Position in Cancer Research |
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas | United States |
DeadLine : 4/12/2013 |
14 | Postdoctoral Position |
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas | United States |
DeadLine : 4/12/2013 |
15 | Ph.D. Research Assistants |
North Carolina State University | United States |
DeadLine : 2/12/2013 |
Κοινωνικές – Πολιτικές Επιστήμες (2 θέσεις)
1 | Postdoc position: Adaptive governance of mountain ecosystem services |
Wageningen University | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 15/9/2013 |
2 | 2013-2014 PhD Studentship in Designing for Digital Neighbourhoods |
Plymouth University | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 16/9/2013 |
Μηχανικοί (15 θέσεις)
1 | PhD Scholarship in the Process Chain in Microstructured Polymer Optical Fibres Production |
Technical University of Denmark | Denmark |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
2 | Germany : Munich Aerospace Open PhD Position-High performance control of agile flying robots |
German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Germany |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
3 | Germany : Weather and UAVs-Munich Aerospace Open PhD Position |
German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Germany |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
4 | Germany : PhD Position-Strategic Challenges for Future Airports: Interdependencies between Aircraft Fleet Development and Airport Operations |
German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Germany |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
5 | Germany : PhD Position-Interdisciplinary analysis and optimization of the hot nozzle in a mixed flow engine |
German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Germany |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
6 | PhD Position – Mathematics and Computer Science – Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality |
Universität Bremen | Germany |
DeadLine : 12/9/2013 |
7 | Postdoc position: Adaptive governance of mountain ecosystem services |
Wageningen University | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 15/9/2013 |
8 | PhD project: Salinity Gradient Energy: Hydrodynamics, fouling and scale up |
Wetsus | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 16/10/2013 |
9 | Postdoctoral position in civil/environmental engineering |
Center for Advanced Materials | Qatar |
DeadLine : 2/12/2013 |
10 | Postdoctoral researcher position in multi-robot task planning and hybrid control synthesis using formal methods |
KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Sweden |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
11 | Ph.D. position in Computer Networking, Karlstad University, Sweden |
Karlstad University | Sweden |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
12 | 2013-2014 PhD Studentship in Designing for Digital Neighbourhoods |
Plymouth University | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 16/9/2013 |
13 | 2013 PhD Studentship for Home and EU Applicants at University of Kent in UK |
University of Kent | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 16/9/2013 |
14 | Post-doc positions in Rehabilitation Engineering |
North Carolina State University | United States |
DeadLine : 2/12/2013 |
15 | Ph.D. Research Assistants |
North Carolina State University | United States |
DeadLine : 2/12/2013 |
Νομικά (1 θέση)
1 | Senior Researcher (Postdoc) in international and European sports law |
T.M.C. Asser Instituut | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 15/10/2013 |
Οικονομικά – Διοίκηση (2 θέσεις)
1 | Germany : PhD Position-Strategic Challenges for Future Airports: Interdependencies between Aircraft Fleet Development and Airport Operations |
German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Germany |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
2 | Postdoc position: Adaptive governance of mountain ecosystem services |
Wageningen University | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 15/9/2013 |
Πληροφορική (9 θέσεις)
1 | Predoctoral position in the field of Image Processing for Remote Sensing |
University of Antwerp | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/10/2013 |
2 | Germany : Munich Aerospace Open PhD Position-High performance control of agile flying robots |
German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Germany |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
3 | Germany : Weather and UAVs-Munich Aerospace Open PhD Position |
German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Germany |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
4 | PhD Position – Mathematics and Computer Science – Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality |
Universität Bremen | Germany |
DeadLine : 12/9/2013 |
5 | Postdoctoral researcher position in multi-robot task planning and hybrid control synthesis using formal methods |
KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Sweden |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
6 | Ph.D. position in Computer Networking, Karlstad University, Sweden |
Karlstad University | Sweden |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
7 | 2013-2014 PhD Studentship in Designing for Digital Neighbourhoods |
Plymouth University | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 16/9/2013 |
8 | 2013 PhD Studentship for Home and EU Applicants at University of Kent in UK |
University of Kent | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 16/9/2013 |
9 | Ph.D. Research Assistants |
North Carolina State University | United States |
DeadLine : 2/12/2013 |
Υγεία – Φαρμακευτικά – Βιοεπιστήμες (16 θέσεις)
1 | PhD Position for International Applicants at Heidelberg University in Germany |
Heidelberg University | Germany |
DeadLine : 15/9/2013 |
2 | PhD candidate ‘Cognitive Neuroscience’ |
University of Amsterdam (UvA) | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 18/9/2013 |
3 | PhD position PROMs ENT |
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre (RUN MC) | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 22/9/2013 |
IRTA | Spain |
DeadLine : 19/9/2013 |
5 | 2014 Psychology- Psychopharmacology Scholarship for PhD Students in UK |
University of West England | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 1/10/2013 |
6 | Research Fellow – Medical Statistician – Musculoskeletal Research Unit |
University of Bristol | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 2/10/2013 |
7 | Stem Cell Research in Drosophila |
National Institutes of Health (NIH) | United States |
8 | Immunopathogenesis of Systemic Candidiasis |
National Institutes of Health (NIH) | United States |
td width=’158′>United States
9 | Post-doctoral position in biochemistry and cancer biology |
Georgia Regents University |
DeadLine : 3/12/2013 |
10 | Cellular Imaging |
National Institutes of Health (NIH) | United States |
11 | Biodiversity Postdoctoral Associate |
National Institutes of Health (NIH) | United States |
12 | Postdoctoral Position in Cancer Research |
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas | United States |
DeadLine : 4/12/2013 |
13 | Postdoctoral Position |
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas | United States |
DeadLine : 4/12/2013 |
14 | Genome Integrity – Cell and Molecular Biology |
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health | United States |
DeadLine : 18/10/2013 |
15 | Discovery of Novel Therapeutic Agents Based on Aberrant Tumor-Associated Glycosylation |
National Institutes of Health (NIH) | United States |
16 | Post-doc positions in Rehabilitation Engineering |
North Carolina State University | United States |
DeadLine : 2/12/2013 |
Υπόλοιπες Ειδικότητες (2 θέσεις)
1 | PhD Studentship in Robust Learning of Bayesian Networks in Switzerland |
Swiss National Science Foundation | Switzerland |
DeadLine : 15/9/2013 |
2 | CCPS Doctoral Scholarship for EU and Overseas Students in UK, 2014/15 |
Centre for Cultural Policy Studies | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 31/1/2014 |
ΠΗΓΗ: career.duth.gr
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