Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για Υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.
Γεωπονικές – Περιβαντολογικές Επιστήμες (3 θέσεις)
1 | PhD Scholarship in Determining the Release Rates of Nanoparticles from Consumer Products |
Technical University of Denmark | Denmark |
DeadLine : 13/9/2013 |
2 | PhD researcher (Promovendus) |
Universiteit Twente | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 19/10/2013 |
3 | ITRI-Rosenfeld Postdoctoral Fellowship |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | United States |
DeadLine : 22/11/2013 |
Θετικές Επιστήμες (18 θέσεις)
1 | Research Fellow in Mechanical Engineering – Heat Transfer and Solar Thermal Energy |
School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, RMIT University | Australia |
DeadLine : 15/9/2013 |
2 | PhD position in microwave photonics |
Optics Lab, FEMTO-ST Institute | France |
DeadLine : 21/11/2013 |
3 | Postdoctoral position in nonlinar pattern formation |
Optics Lab, FEMTO-ST Institute | France |
DeadLine : 21/11/2013 |
4 | Postdoctoral Fellowship in Structural Biology |
EMBL – European Molecular Biology Laboratory | Germany |
DeadLine : 29/9/2013 |
5 | Scientific Programmer (m/f) |
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology | Germany |
6 | PhD researcher (Promovendus) |
Universiteit Twente | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 19/10/2013 |
7 | PhD Resource demand prediction |
Wageningen University & Research Center | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 9/9/2013 |
8 | PhD in Physics |
University of Navarra | Spain |
DeadLine : 1/3/2014 |
9 | PhD position in ultracold atoms |
Ultracold Quantum Gases Group, ICFO | Spain |
DeadLine : 22/11/2013 |
10 | PhD student position-Applied Environmental Science |
Stockholm University | Sweden |
DeadLine : 20/9/2013 |
11 | PhD position in biochemistry |
Stockholm University | Sweden |
DeadLine : 10/9/2013 |
12 | PhD Studentship: Numerical modelling of stretch blow moulding for optimal design of packaging |
Queen’s University Belfast | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 13/9/2013 |
13 | EPSRC CASE Award PhD Scholarship with Rolls-Royce |
University of Nottingham | United Kingdom |
14 | Postdoctoral Fellow, Integrative Analysis of Sequencing Data, GWAS, Microbiome |
Mount Sinai School of Medicine | United States |
DeadLine : 21/11/2013 |
15 | Post-doctoral positions in Computational Biology |
Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor | United States |
DeadLine : 20/10/2013 |
16 | Postdoctoral Researcher in Lithium Ion Battery |
Tennessee State University | United States |
DeadLine : 21/11/2013 |
17 | Postdoctoral Researcher |
Vehicle Technology Directorate, Army Research Laboratory | United States |
DeadLine : 21/11/2013 |
18 | Postdoctoral position in statistical and computational genetics |
Albert Einstein College of Medicine | United States |
DeadLine : 22/11/2013 |
Μηχανικοί (13 θέσεις)
1 | Research Fellow in Mechanical Engineering – Heat Transfer and Solar Thermal Energy |
School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, RMIT University | Australia |
DeadLine : 15/9/2013 |
2 | PhD Scholarship in Determining the Release Rates of Nanoparticles from Consumer Products |
Technical University of Denmark | Denmark |
DeadLine : 13/9/2013 |
3 | Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (PhD Scholarship) in the field of Solar Thermal Engineering |
Kassel University | Germany |
DeadLine : 15/9/2013 |
4 | PhD Resource demand prediction |
Wageningen University & Research Center | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 9/9/2013 |
5 | Postdoctoral researcher position in multi-robot task planning and hybrid control synthesis using formal methods |
Kungliga Tekniska högskolan | Stockholm |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
6 | Marie Curie Fellow: CiNERGY – Initial Training Network (ITN) |
The University of Nottingham | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 15/10/2013 |
7 | Marie Curie Fellow: CiNERGY – Initial Training Network (ITN) |
The University of Nottingham | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 15/10/2013 |
8 | Marie Curie Fellow: CiNERGY – Initial Training Network (ITN) |
The University of Nottingham | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 15/10/2013 |
9 | PhD Studentship: Numerical modelling of stretch blow moulding for optimal design of packaging |
Queen’s University Belfast | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 13/9/2013 |
10 | EPSRC CASE Award PhD Scholarship with Rolls-Royce |
University of Nottingham | United Kingdom |
11 | 2013-2014 David Goldman PhD Scholarship in Innovation and Enterprise in UK |
Newcastle University | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 9/9/2013 |
12 | ITRI-Rosenfeld Postdoctoral Fellowship |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | United States |
DeadLine : 22/11/2013 |
13 | Post-doctoral positions in Computational Biology |
Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor | United States |
DeadLine : 20/10/2013 |
Οικονομικά – Διοίκηση (2 θέσεις)
1 | Accounting and Finance Honours Scholarships at Monash University in Australia |
Monash University | Australia |
2 | 2013-2014 David Goldman PhD Scholarship in Innovation and Enterprise in UK |
Newcastle University | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 9/9/2013 |
Πληροφορική (8 θέσεις)
1 | Scientific Programmer (m/f) |
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology | Germany |
2 | PhD Position on Mediated Social Touch |
Universiteit Twente | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 10/9/2013 |
3 | Postdoctoral researcher position in multi-robot task planning and hybrid control synthesis using formal methods |
Kungliga Tekniska högskolan | Stockholm |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
4 | Researcher – Postdoc in Computer Science (3D Graphics and Visualization) |
University of Zürich | Switzerland |
5 | PhD Studentship: Numerical modelling of stretch blow moulding for optimal design of packaging |
Queen’s University Belfast | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 13/9/2013 |
6 | 2013-2014 David Goldman PhD Scholarship in Innovation and Enterprise in UK |
Newcastle University | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 9/9/2013 |
7 | Post-doctoral positions in Computational Biology |
Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor | United States |
DeadLine : 20/10/2013 |
8 | Postdoctoral position in statistical and computational genetics |
Albert Einstein College of Medicine | United States |
DeadLine : 22/11/2013 |
Υγεία – Φαρμακευτικά – Βιοεπιστήμες (14 θέσεις)
1 | Ph.D. student/Post-doc in Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology |
University of Antwerp | Belgium |
DeadLine : 13/10/2013 |
2 | Postdoctoral Research Position |
Université Paris Descartes | France |
DeadLine : 16/9/2013 |
3 | Postdoctoral Fellowship in Structural Biology |
EMBL – European Molecular Biology Laboratory | Germany |
DeadLine : 29/9/2013 |
4 | 2 PhD positions in Neuroscience/Neuroimmunolgy |
University Medical Center Göttingen | Germany |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
5 | PhD Position on Mediated Social Touch |
Universiteit Twente | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 10/9/2013 |
6 | PhD-candidate, Medical Microbiology m/f |
UMC Utrecht | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 20/9/2013 |
7 | PhD position Parkinson’s mild cognitive impairment: validation, burden, course |
Academisch Medisch Centrum (AMC) | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 22/9/2013 |
8 | PhD student position-Applied Environmental Science |
Stockholm University | Sweden |
DeadLine : 20/9/2013 |
9 | PhD position in biochemistry |
Stockholm University | Sweden |
DeadLine : 10/9/2013 |
10 | Postdoctoral Fellow, Integrative Analysis of Sequencing Data, GWAS, Microbiome |
Mount Sinai School of Medicine | United States |
DeadLine : 21/11/2013 |
11 | Postdoctoral Fellow |
The University of Texas Health Science-San Antonio | United States |
DeadLine : 22/11/2013 |
12 | Post-doctoral positions in Computational Biology |
Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor | United States |
DeadLine : 20/10/2013 |
13 | Functional Genomics of Liver Cancer |
National Institutes of Health (NIH) | United States |
14 | Postdoctoral position in statistical and computational genetics |
Albert Einstein College of Medicine | United States |
DeadLine : 22/11/2013 |
Υπόλοιπες Ειδικότητες (1 θέση)
1 | The Martin Lynn Scholarship for International Students in UK, 2014 |
Martin Lynn and The Royal Historical Society | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 1/6/2014 |
ΠΗΓΗ: career.duth.gr
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