Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για Υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.
Γεωπονικές – Περιβαντολογικές Επιστήμες (1 θέση)
International Research Training Group (IRTG) | Germany |
DeadLine : 1/10/2013 |
Θετικές Επιστήμες (9 θέσεις)
1 | PhD – Physics – Acoustic Microfluidics |
RMIT University | Australia |
2 | 2 PhD scholarships in Climatic Reliability of Electronic Devices |
Technical University of Denmark | Denmark |
DeadLine : 27/8/2013 |
3 | PhD Position – Solid State Electrochemistry – Materials Chemistry |
Université Montpellier 2 Sciences et Techniques | France |
4 | Researcher – Computational Metagenomics – Methods for Algorithmic and Integrative Genomics |
Istituto Agrario di San Michele all’Adige (IASMA), Fondazione Edmund Mach | Italy |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
5 | Postdoctoral Position – Physics – Polymeric Nanocomposite Magnetic Membranes |
Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) | Italy |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
6 | Skoltech MSc Fellowship for International Applicants in Russia, 2014 |
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology | Russia |
DeadLine : 15/1/2014 |
7 | PhD Student – Chemistry – Supramolecular NanoChemistry and Materials |
ICN Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology | Spain |
8 | Researcher – Physics – Nanostructured Materials for Photovoltaic Energy |
ICN Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology | Spain |
9 | Researcher – Biochemistry – Electrochemical biosensors based on nanomaterials and microfluidics |
ICN Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology | Spain |
Κοινωνικές – Πολιτικές Επιστήμες (1 θέση)
1 | PhD Scholarship |
Leuphana University of Lüneburg | Germany |
DeadLine : 15/9/2013 |
Μηχανικοί (8 θέσεις)
1 | Three PhD scholarships in Usability and Interaction design |
Technical University of Denmark | Denmark |
DeadLine : 1/9/2013 |
2 | 2 PhD scholarships in Climatic Reliability of Electronic Devices |
Technical University of Denmark | Denmark |
DeadLine : 27/8/2013 |
3 | PhD scholarship in Magnetic Resonance |
Technical University of Denmark | Denmark |
DeadLine : 31/8/2013 |
International Research Training Group (IRTG) | Germany |
DeadLine : 1/10/2013 |
5 | Skoltech MSc Fellowship for International Applicants in Russia, 2014 |
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology | Russia |
DeadLine : 15/1/2014 |
6 | Researcher – Physics – Nanostructured Materials for Photovoltaic Energy |
ICN Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology | Spain |
7 | Postdoctoral Position for Research Project Iceberg |
University of Alcalá | Spain |
DeadLine : 13/9/2013 |
8 | PhD Scholarship in Hydro environmental Engineering |
Cardiff University | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 31/8/2013 |
Πληροφορική (2 θέσεις)
1 | Researcher – Computational Metagenomics – Methods for Algorithmic and Integrative Genomics |
Istituto Agrario di San Michele all’Adige (IASMA), Fondazione Edmund Mach | Italy |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
2 | Postdoctoral Position for Research Project Iceberg |
University of Alcalá | Spain |
DeadLine : 13/9/2013 |
Υγεία – Φαρμακευτικά – Βιοεπιστήμες (13 θέσεις)
1 | PhD – Physics – Acoustic Microfluidics |
RMIT University | Australia |
2 | Postdoctoral Position |
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic | Czech Republic |
DeadLine : 31/8/2013 |
International Research Training Group (IRTG) | Germany |
DeadLine : 1/10/2013 |
4 | Researcher – Computational Metagenomics – Methods for Algorithmic and Integrative Genomics |
Istituto Agrario di San Michele all’Adige (IASMA), Fondazione Edmund Mach | Italy |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
5 | Researcher – Computational Biology – Modeling transcriptional control programs at a genome-wide scale |
Istituto Agrario di San Michele all’Adige (IASMA), Fondazione Edmund Mach | Italy |
6 | Researcher – Computational Biology – Comparative Genomics |
Istituto Agrario di San Michele all’Adige (IASMA), Fondazione Edmund Mach | Italy |
DeadLine : 30/9/2013 |
7 | Post-doctorate researcher in Neuroscience m/f, vacancy number 2013/0379 |
UMC Utrecht | Netherlands |
8 | PhD Candidate, Highfield MRI in diabetes |
Maastricht University | Netherlands |
9 | PhD Diurnal light exposure day-active persons: Optimizing performance with light |
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) | Netherlands |
10 | MA of Public Health Distance Learning Scholarship |
OnlineMPHDegree.net | Online |
DeadLine : 15/12/2013 |
11 | Postdoctoral Fellow – Agricultural Science – Plant Genetics / Plant Molecular Biology |
Cornell University | United States |
12 | Postdoctoral Scholar position in Cellular & Molecular Cancer Research |
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology/Mulder Lab, Penn State Hershey College of Medicine | United States |
DeadLine : 18/11/2013 |
13 | PhD Research Assistantship – Bioengineering – Mechanotransduction of hydrostatic pressure by mesenchymal stem cells |
University of Notre Dame | United States |
ΠΗΓΗ: career.duth.gr
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