LinkedIn is a powerful marketing tool. It’s a fast-growing network of millions of professionals and one of the only places the business-savvy can put their ideas in front of key decision-makers.

Although you may have a profile on the site and are sure to add contacts you’ve recently met, you’re probably not aware of all of the features you can use on the site to grow your community. For companies and individuals alike, LinkedIn has multiple platforms its members can use to find like-minded people and direct relevant content their way.

This infographic from Quick Sprout gives us LinkedIn by the numbers–and suggests how you can grow your followers more than three-fold.

Here’s some quick tips and strategies:

  • LinkedIn has a 3x higher Visitor-to-Lead conversion rate than Facebook or Twitter.
  • Used advanced search and saved searches to find new customers.
  • Post in the morning, on workdays Monday through Friday.
  • Posting 20 status updates a month will help you reach 60% of your audience monthly.
  • Know what members are interested in: 60 percent expect industry updates, and 43 percent are looking for special offers.