General Site Assistant (Security)

Δείτε επίσης: Προσλήψεις προσωπικού καθαριότητας στα σχολεία. Πότε ξεκινούν οι αιτήσεις για 1.245 μόνιμες προσλήψεις

Seconded to the Municipality of Lesvos ΒΡΕΣ ΔΟΥΛΕΙΑ ΕΔΩ

Terms of Reference

Job Title: General Site Assistant (Security)
Location: Mavrovouni (Kara Tepe), Lesvos, Greece
Supervisor: Site Manager

The main objective of all General Site Assistants is to support and take direction from the Mavrovouni (Kara Tepe) Site Manager to ensure the smooth running of the site, the safety & security of all persons on site (residents/visitors and staff & volunteers), and orderly and timely provision of basic services and assistance on site – 24 hours, 7 days a week. Site Assistants work an 8-hour shift, and demonstrate flexibility to cover any 8-hour shift as requested. Site Assistants will coordinate with all relevant stakeholders as requested – police, hospital, government authorities and humanitarian organizations – and directly reports to the Mavrovouni (Kara Tepe) Site Manager.

In more detail, the duties and responsibilities of the General Site Assistant (Security) are as follows:

  • Secures order and safety of the site and all individuals by patrolling the property regularly, and through presence at security points.
  • Inspects buildings, containers, equipment and other assets regularly on site to ensure no tampering, theft or damage of assets.
  • Ensures the entry of individuals and vehicles onto the site is orderly and that those entering have the necessary permission from the municipality and/or Site Manager. This includes asking questions, checking IDs and other documents, checking inside vehicles, etc.
  • Controls the entry of unauthorized individuals/organizations on site and clearly communicates warnings as needed in a professional manner, without using force.
  • Monitors the traffic and exit of individuals and vehicles in an orderly and timely manner as communicated by the Site Manager.
  • Immediately reports any problems or irregularities (security or otherwise) to the Site Manager and/or other relevant colleagues, and executes actions as instructed by the Site Manager.
  • Briefs individuals/organizations authorized entry onto the site of any relevant site rules and regulations.
  • Submits daily written and verbal reports, photos and other relevant documentation to the Site Manager and other relevant colleagues as required.
  • Escorts individuals around the site or to a specific location as requested.
  • In case of emergency, calls relevant entities to assist with a situation on site as required – police, fire department, hospital, etc
  • Works together as a team to carry out duties.
  • Upholds the reputation of the Municipality and Mavrovouni (Kara Tepe) Management by complying with all legal requirements and conducting oneself according to the Code of Conduct.
  • Maintains and respects the confidentiality of discussions which takes place between the municipality and others (residents/visitors, organizations, volunteers) at all times, both at and out of the workplace.
  • Maintains monthly timesheets and completes other administrative tasks as requested by contracting organization.
  • Supports other team members in tasks as requested by Site Manager to cover gaps or absences.
  • Carries out any other tasks as requested by the Site Manager.

Πληροφορίες εδώΒΡΕΣ ΔΟΥΛΕΙΑ ΕΔΩ

Δείτε επίσης: Προσλήψεις προσωπικού καθαριότητας στα σχολεία. Πότε ξεκινούν οι αιτήσεις για 1.245 μόνιμες προσλήψεις

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