Η Ευρωπαϊκή Κεντρική Τράπεζα προσφέρει ευκαιρίες πρακτικής άσκησης σε προπτυχιακούς και μεταπτυχιακούς φοιτητές, με σπουδές σε διάφορους κλάδους, για χρονική περίοδο από 3 μέχρι 12 μήνες. Οι τρέχουσες προκηρύξεις αφορούν θέσεις για πρακτική άσκηση στη στη Γενική Διεύθυνση Μικροπροληπτικής Εποπτείας IV (αιτήσεις μέχρι 15/1/2019).

Qualifications, experience and skills


  • a PhD or a master’s degree plus four years of relevant experience and publication record in economics or another related field (for details on equivalences, read more read more);
  • in addition to the above, at least ten years’ relevant professional experience in the areas in which the Directorate General operates, or in related areas, preferably in central banking, at European or international institutions;
  • several years of experience in leading and managing a diverse team of highly qualified managers and staff;
  • an advanced command of English and an intermediate command of at least one other official language of the EU.


  • a publication record in economics;
  • a good understanding and working knowledge of the working methods of the Eurosystem and the European System of Central Banks, and other relevant European and international institutions and fora.

You build and maintain relationships throughout the organisation and beyond. You emphasise the overarching mission and common objectives to achieve the best outcome for the organisation. You strive to achieve goals. You define the strategic outlook for your own business area. You build diverse teams and foster an environment of creativity and innovation. You endeavour to strengthen your teams’ capability, encouraging commitment and engagement.

Κάνε αίτηση εδώ (πηγή) ΒΡΕΣ ΔΟΥΛΕΙΑ ΕΔΩ

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