Δείτε τις υποτροφίες στον παρακάτω πίνακα και επισκεφτείτε το link στο τέλος για να δείτε αναλυτικές πληροφορίες για αυτές που σας ενδιαφέρουν
Επιστήμες Μηχανικών (45 θέσεις)
1 | PhD Student in Computer Science |
University of Innsbruck | Austria |
DeadLine : 27/6/2016 |
2 | Pre-doctoral position: Developing a sustainability framework for the green chemistry |
VITO | Belgium |
DeadLine : 15/6/2016 |
3 | Pre-doctoral position: Electrochemical reduction of CO2 into methanol using gas diffusion electrodes |
VITO | Belgium |
DeadLine : 15/6/2016 |
4 | PhD student Tropical forest modelling |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/7/2016 |
5 | PhD – Electrochemistry (Electrochemical reduction of CO2 into methanol using gas diffusion electrodes ) |
VITO | Belgium |
6 | Doctoral (PhD) Grant Strategic Basic Research (SB) 5 |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/9/2016 |
7 | Ph.D. position within the ERC Project ‘SmartCast’ |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 30/5/2016 |
8 | Postdoc position within the ERC Project ‘SmartCast’ |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 30/5/2016 |
9 | PhD fellow on phytoplankton phenology |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/7/2016 |
10 | Doctoral (PhD) Grant Strategic Basic Research (SB) 4 |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/9/2016 |
11 | Doctoral (PhD) Grant Strategic Basic Research (SB) 1 |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/9/2016 |
12 | Doctoral (PhD) Grant Strategic Basic Research (SB) 3 |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/9/2016 |
13 | Post doctoral fellowship in Architecture and Town Planning |
São Paulo Research Foundation | Brazil |
DeadLine : 13/6/2016 |
14 | Post doctoral fellowship in Urban and Regional Planning |
São Paulo Research Foundation | Brazil |
DeadLine : 13/6/2016 |
15 | Post-doctoral Research Associate in Engineering Mechanics |
University of Rijeka | Croatia |
DeadLine : 10/6/2016 |
16 | Postdoctoral research fellowship in microbial cell factory design |
University of Tartu | Estonia |
DeadLine : 1/8/2016 |
17 | PhD position – Compilation for the application of countermeasures against physical attacks, and for the verification of functional and security properties |
CEA Tech | France |
18 | PhD position – Impact of uncertainties on the techno-economic optimization of energy systems design and operation |
CEA Tech | France |
19 | PhD – Network survival with energy harvesting: secure cooperation and device assisted networking |
CEA Tech | France |
20 | PhD position – Test and characterization of 3D high density interconnects |
CEA Tech | France |
21 | PhD Position(m/f) – Geophysical Turbulence |
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology | Germany |
DeadLine : 11/6/2016 |
22 | Post doc in the area of cell and tissue on chip –3D micro-nanostructured materials for cell and tissue testing |
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) | Italy |
DeadLine : 20/6/2016 |
23 | Research Associate (Postdoc) in the field of Computer Science and Engineering |
University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
DeadLine : 18/6/2016 |
24 | Doctoral Candidate (PhD student) in Applied Optimization |
University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
DeadLine : 22/6/2016 |
25 | Postdoctoral researcher Computer Aided Theragnostics (CAT) |
MAASTRO CLINIC | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 31/5/2016 |
26 | PhD position in Cyber-Physical Systems |
Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 26/6/2016 |
27 | PhD: Safety & Risk Analysis/Modelling of Unmanned Aircraft Operations |
Delft University of Technology | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 30/6/2016 |
28 | PhD position: Emergence of Complex Behavior in Soft Robotic Matter |
AMOLF | Netherlands |
29 | PhD position: Probing ultrafast carrier dynamics at the nanometer scale with cathodoluminescence |
AMOLF | Netherlands |
30 | PhD position: Optical metasurfaces for solar spectrum management |
FOM Institute AMOLF | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 11/8/2016 |
31 | PhD position: Compressive near-field imaging |
AMOLF | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2/6/2016 |
32 | Research Associate (posdoctoral position) EC-PD01 – in Materials Science, Electrochemistry, Nanotechnology |
Fundación IMDEA Materiales | Spain |
DeadLine : 31/7/2016 |
33 | PhD Student in the field of X-ray Computed Tomography |
Empa | Switzerland |
34 | Post-Doctoral Researcher in Advanced Life Cycle Assessment combined with Food Process Development |
ETH Zurich | Switzerland |
35 | PhD Studentship: Data analytics for smart healthcare |
University of Kent | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 6/6/2016 |
36 | PhD studentship: The role of visualisation and augmented reality in increasing energy efficiency in the built environment |
Teesside University | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 11/7/2016 |
37 | Marie Curie Fellow in Electronics for Intelligent Transport |
University of Oxford | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 26/5/2016 |
38 | Nanotechnology: Fully Funded PhD Studentship: Correlating the Toxicity of Zinc Oxide Nanowires with Life Cycle Changes in Physical and Chemical Properties |
Swansea University | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 31/8/2016 |
39 | PhD studentship: Control and optimisation for demand response systems |
Teesside University | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 11/7/2016 |
40 | PhD studentship: Structural health monitoring system for crane inspection applications |
Brunel University London | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 21/5/2016 |
41 | PhD – Development of micro and nanofabricated formulations with complex 3D architectures to provide controlled and targeted drug delivery |
University of East Anglia | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 30/6/2016 |
42 | Research Fellow (Fixed Term) – Physics of Sustainability |
University of Cambridge | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 20/6/2016 |
43 | Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Quantum Effects in Electronic Nanodevices |
University of Oxford | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 13/7/2016 |
44 | PhD Student: Structural Longevity for advanced marine vehicles in extreme environments |
University of Southampton | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 30/6/2016 |
45 | PhD funded Studentship in Optimised greenhouse light environments, modelling whole plant responses to spectral quality |
University of Lincoln | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 10/6/2016 |
Επιστήμη Πληροφορικής (12 θέσεις)
1 | PhD Student in Computer Science |
University of Innsbruck | Austria |
DeadLine : 27/6/2016 |
2 | PhD student Tropical forest modelling |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/7/2016 |
3 | Doctoral (PhD) Grant Strategic Basic Research (SB) 2 |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/9/2016 |
4 | Post doctoral fellowship in Molecular Cell Biology |
São Paulo Research Foundation | Brazil |
DeadLine : 28/5/2016 |
5 | PhD – Network survival with energy harvesting: secure cooperation and device assisted networking |
CEA Tech | France |
6 | PhD or PostDoc – Bioinformatics in Stem Cell Biology |
University Hospital RWTH Aachen | Germany |
7 | PostDoc in Machine Learning / Bioinformatics |
University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
DeadLine : 18/6/2016 |
8 | Research Associate (Postdoc) in the field of Computer Science and Engineering |
University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
DeadLine : 18/6/2016 |
9 | PhD position in Cyber-Physical Systems |
Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 26/6/2016 |
10 | PhD position: Emergence of Complex Behavior in Soft Robotic Matter |
AMOLF | Netherlands |
11 | Postdoctoral Epigenetic control of monocytes and macrophages |
AMC Medical Research | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 12/7/2016 |
12 | PhD Studentship: Data analytics for smart healthcare |
University of Kent | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 6/6/2016 |
Οικονομικές Επιστήμες (6 θέσεις)
1 | Pre-doctoral position: Developing a sustainability framework for the green chemistry |
VITO | Belgium |
DeadLine : 15/6/2016 |
2 | Post doctoral fellowship in Economics |
São Paulo Research Foundation | Brazil |
DeadLine : 13/6/2016 |
3 | Research Fellow in Marketing Management |
University College of Southeast Norway (USN) | Norway |
DeadLine : 29/5/2016 |
4 | Senior Research Fellow in Complex urban Systems |
University of Leeds | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 12/6/2016 |
5 | MPhil/PhD Scholarship in Economics – “Financial fragility, industrial structure and income inequality in Europe” |
University of Greenwich | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 6/6/2016 |
6 | ESRC Funded PhD Studentship: Labour Economics |
Swansea University | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 30/5/2016 |
Επιστήμες Υγείας (4 θέσεις)
1 | PhD Thesis “Optimization of a future human standard in-vitro model of the blood-brain barrier” |
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology | Austria |
2 | Post doctoral fellowship in Cardiovascular Pharmacology |
University of São Paulo | Brazil |
DeadLine : 30/7/2016 |
3 | Post-doctoral Position – Metabolism |
Montfort Hospital | Canada |
4 | PhD – Development of micro and nanofabricated formulations with complex 3D architectures to provide controlled and targeted drug delivery |
University of East Anglia | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 30/6/2016 |
Επιστήμες Ζωής (37 θέσεις)
1 | PhD Thesis “Optimization of a future human standard in-vitro model of the blood-brain barrier” |
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology | Austria |
2 | Pre-doctoral position: Developing a sustainability framework for the green chemistry |
VITO | Belgium |
DeadLine : 15/6/2016 |
3 | Doctoral (PhD) Grant Strategic Basic Research (SB) 5 |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/9/2016 |
4 | PhD vacancy in Research group Evolutionary Morphology of Vertebrates |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 30/6/2016 |
5 | PhD fellow on phytoplankton phenology |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/7/2016 |
6 | Doctoral (PhD) Grant Strategic Basic Research (SB) 4 |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/9/2016 |
7 | Doctoral (PhD) Grant Strategic Basic Research (SB) 2 |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/9/2016 |
8 | Doctoral (PhD) Grant Strategic Basic Research (SB) 1 |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/9/2016 |
9 | Doctoral (PhD) Grant Strategic Basic Research (SB) 3 |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/9/2016 |
10 | Post doctoral fellowship in Cell and Molecular Biology |
University of São Paulo | Brazil |
DeadLine : 3/7/2016 |
11 | Post doctoral fellowship in Cardiovascular Pharmacology |
University of São Paulo | Brazil |
DeadLine : 30/7/2016 |
12 | Post doctoral fellowship in Gene and Cell Therapy |
University of São Paulo | Brazil |
DeadLine : 13/6/2016 |
13 | Post doctoral fellowship in Parasitology |
São Paulo Research Foundation | Brazil |
DeadLine : 20/5/2016 |
14 | Post doctoral fellowship in Molecular Cell Biology |
São Paulo Research Foundation | Brazil |
DeadLine : 28/5/2016 |
15 | Post doctoral fellowship in Parasite-Vector Interaction |
São Paulo Research Foundation | Brazil |
DeadLine : 15/5/2016 |
16 | Post doctoral fellowship in Biochemistry and Immunology |
University of São Paulo | Brazil |
DeadLine : 3/7/2016 |
17 | Post doctoral fellowship in Cytogenomics |
University of São Paulo | Brazil |
DeadLine : 13/5/2016 |
18 | Post-doctoral Position – Metabolism |
Montfort Hospital | Canada |
19 | Postdoctoral research fellowship in microbial cell factory design |
University of Tartu | Estonia |
DeadLine : 1/8/2016 |
20 | PhD position in Ecophysiology |
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany |
DeadLine : 17/6/2016 |
21 | PhD or PostDoc – Bioinformatics in Stem Cell Biology |
University Hospital RWTH Aachen | Germany |
22 | PostDoc in Machine Learning / Bioinformatics |
University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
DeadLine : 18/6/2016 |
23 | Post-doc position in Life Cycle Assessment, Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, Biobased Materials Group |
Maastricht University (UM) | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 29/5/2016 |
24 | Postdoctoral Epigenetic control of monocytes and macrophages |
AMC Medical Research | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 12/7/2016 |
25 | PhD student /Cancer Immunotherapy m/f, vacancy number 2016/0340 |
University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht) | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 25/5/2016 |
26 | Postdoc (Medical) Biology / Biochemistry / Cardiology (1fte) |
AMC Medical Research | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 12/6/2016 |
27 | Research Fellow – Molecular pathogenesis of paediatric cancers |
University of Auckland | New Zealand |
DeadLine : 8/6/2016 |
28 | Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (IF) – Postdoc position: Enhanced antibiotic and antitumor production in Streptomyces by genetic manipulation of two-component systems |
Institute of Functional Biology and Genomics (IBFG) | Spain |
DeadLine : 10/7/2016 |
29 | Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (IF) – Postdoc position “Meiotic chromosome dynamics: epigenetic regulation” |
Institute of Functional Biology and Genomics (IBFG) | Spain |
DeadLine : 10/7/2016 |
30 | Postdoctoral Research in Infection Biology and Molecular Infection Medicine |
Umeå University | Sweden |
DeadLine : 15/8/2016 |
31 | Postdoctoral Fellow in scarring and non scarring skin diseases |
University of Leeds | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 18/5/2016 |
32 | Nanotechnology: Fully Funded PhD Studentship: Correlating the Toxicity of Zinc Oxide Nanowires with Life Cycle Changes in Physical and Chemical Properties |
Swansea University | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 31/8/2016 |
33 | PhD Studentship in Crop Genetics: Breeding for disease resistance and yield in faba bean |
University of Reading | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 6/6/2016 |
34 | Postdoctoral Fellow- Computational Biology |
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 31/5/2016 |
35 | Postdoctoral Fellow – Immunology |
Stanford Medicine | United States |
36 | Postdoctoral Associate – Microbiology |
University of Florida | United States |
37 | Postdoctoral Fellow in Cell Biology and Metabolism |
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) | United States |
DeadLine : 9/7/2016 |
Περιβαλλοντικές Επιστήμες (7 θέσεις)
1 | Pre-doctoral position: Developing a sustainability framework for the green chemistry |
VITO | Belgium |
DeadLine : 15/6/2016 |
2 | Pre-doctoral position: Electrochemical reduction of CO2 into methanol using gas diffusion electrodes |
VITO | Belgium |
DeadLine : 15/6/2016 |
3 | PhD fellow on phytoplankton phenology |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/7/2016 |
4 | PhD position in Ecophysiology |
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany |
DeadLine : 17/6/2016 |
5 | Post-doc position in Life Cycle Assessment, Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, Biobased Materials Group |
Maastricht University (UM) | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 29/5/2016 |
6 | Post-Doctoral Researcher in Advanced Life Cycle Assessment combined with Food Process Development |
ETH Zurich | Switzerland |
7 | Research Fellow (Fixed Term) – Physics of Sustainability |
University of Cambridge | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 20/6/2016 |
Κοινωνικές Επιστήμες (6 θέσεις)
1 | Senior Research Fellow – Biofutures |
Monash University | Australia |
DeadLine : 27/5/2016 |
2 | PhD student – Department of Political Sciences |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 15/5/2016 |
3 | Post doctoral fellowship in Demography |
São Paulo Research Foundation | Brazil |
DeadLine : 13/6/2016 |
4 | Post doctoral fellowship in Sociology |
São Paulo Research Foundation | Brazil |
DeadLine : 13/6/2016 |
5 | Postdoctoral Researcher in the Evolution of Semantic Systems |
Radboud University | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 5/6/2016 |
6 | Senior Research Fellow in Complex urban Systems |
University of Leeds | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 12/6/2016 |
Γεωπονικές Επιστήμες (2 θέσεις)
1 | Post-Doctoral Researcher in Advanced Life Cycle Assessment combined with Food Process Development |
ETH Zurich | Switzerland |
2 | PhD Studentship in Crop Genetics: Breeding for disease resistance and yield in faba bean |
University of Reading | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 6/6/2016 |
Πολιτικές Επιστήμες (5 θέσεις)
1 | PhD student – Department of Political Sciences |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 15/5/2016 |
2 | Post doctoral fellowship in Political Sciences |
São Paulo Research Foundation | Brazil |
DeadLine : 13/6/2016 |
3 | Postdoctoral position – the impact of EU cohesion policy on European identification |
Trinity College | Ireland |
DeadLine : 6/6/2016 |
4 | Doctoral candidate in the field of Political Science (Higher Education) |
University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
DeadLine : 24/6/2016 |
5 | Position as Postdoc in Political Science |
Uppsala University | Sweden |
DeadLine : 28/6/2016 |
Θετικές Επιστήμες (46 θέσεις)
1 | Pre-doctoral position: Developing a sustainability framework for the green chemistry |
VITO | Belgium |
DeadLine : 15/6/2016 |
2 | Pre-doctoral position: Electrochemical reduction of CO2 into methanol using gas diffusion electrodes |
VITO | Belgium |
DeadLine : 15/6/2016 |
3 | PhD student Tropical forest modelling |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/7/2016 |
4 | Ph.D. position within the ERC Project ‘SmartCast’ |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 30/5/2016 |
5 | Postdoc position within the ERC Project ‘SmartCast’ |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 30/5/2016 |
6 | PhD fellow on phytoplankton phenology |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/7/2016 |
7 | Post doctoral fellowship in Demography |
São Paulo Research Foundation | Brazil |
DeadLine : 13/6/2016 |
8 | Post doctoral fellowship in Cell and Molecular Biology |
University of São Paulo | Brazil |
DeadLine : 3/7/2016 |
9 | Post doctoral fellowship in Parasitology |
São Paulo Research Foundation | Brazil |
DeadLine : 20/5/2016 |
10 | Post doctoral fellowship in Molecular Cell Biology |
São Paulo Research Foundation | Brazil |
DeadLine : 28/5/2016 |
11 | Post doctoral fellowship in Geography |
São Paulo Research Foundation | Brazil |
DeadLine : 13/6/2016 |
12 | Post doctoral fellowship in Biochemistry and Immunology |
University of São Paulo | Brazil |
DeadLine : 3/7/2016 |
13 | Post doctoral fellowship in Cytogenomics |
University of São Paulo | Brazil |
DeadLine : 13/5/2016 |
14 | Post doctoral fellowship in Mathematical Modelling |
University of São Paulo | Brazil |
DeadLine : 20/5/2016 |
15 | Post-doctoral Position – Metabolism |
Montfort Hospital | Canada |
16 | Postdoctoral research fellowship in microbial cell factory design |
University of Tartu | Estonia |
DeadLine : 1/8/2016 |
17 | PhD position – Impact of uncertainties on the techno-economic optimization of energy systems design and operation |
CEA Tech | France |
18 | PhD Position(m/f) – Geophysical Turbulence |
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology | Germany |
DeadLine : 11/6/2016 |
19 | FerMicOH: Industrial PhD Scholarship – Agroindustry (FerMicOH) |
Fondazione Edmund Mach – Research and Innovation Centre | Italy |
DeadLine : 30/5/2016 |
20 | Post doc in the area of cell and tissue on chip –3D micro-nanostructured materials for cell and tissue testing |
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) | Italy |
DeadLine : 20/6/2016 |
21 | PostDoc in Machine Learning / Bioinformatics |
University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
DeadLine : 18/6/2016 |
22 | Doctoral Candidate (PhD student) in Applied Optimization |
University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
DeadLine : 22/6/2016 |
23 | Postdoctoral researcher Computer Aided Theragnostics (CAT) |
MAASTRO CLINIC | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 31/5/2016 |
24 | PhD: Nanoscopy at 1 nm Resolution |
Delft University of Technology | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 30/6/2016 |
25 | PhD: Safety & Risk Analysis/Modelling of Unmanned Aircraft Operations |
Delft University of Technology | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 30/6/2016 |
26 | PhD position: Emergence of Complex Behavior in Soft Robotic Matter |
AMOLF | Netherlands |
27 | PhD position: Ultrafast spectroscopy of water-oil interfaces |
FOM Institute AMOLF | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 11/8/2016 |
28 | PhD studentship on nano-optomechanics |
Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands |
29 | PhD position: Probing ultrafast carrier dynamics at the nanometer scale with cathodoluminescence |
AMOLF | Netherlands |
30 | PhD position: Optical metasurfaces for solar spectrum management |
FOM Institute AMOLF | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 11/8/2016 |
31 | PhD position: Compressive near-field imaging |
AMOLF | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 2/6/2016 |
32 | Postdoctoral fellow within applied and computational mathematics/statistics |
University of Bergen | Norway |
DeadLine : 12/6/2016 |
33 | Research Associate (posdoctoral position) EC-PD01 – in Materials Science, Electrochemistry, Nanotechnology |
Fundación IMDEA Materiales | Spain |
DeadLine : 31/7/2016 |
34 | 2 PhD positions in Regional Climate Modeling |
ETH Zurich | Switzerland |
DeadLine : 26/5/2016 |
35 | PhD Student in the field of X-ray Computed Tomography |
Empa | Switzerland |
36 | Senior Research Fellow in Complex urban Systems |
University of Leeds | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 12/6/2016 |
37 | PhD in Mathematics: Fast numerical methods for PDE-constrained optimization problems arising from scientific processes |
University of Kent | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 6/6/2016 |
38 | Nanotechnology: Fully Funded PhD Studentship: Correlating the Toxicity of Zinc Oxide Nanowires with Life Cycle Changes in Physical and Chemical Properties |
Swansea University | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 31/8/2016 |
39 | PhD – Development of micro and nanofabricated formulations with complex 3D architectures to provide controlled and targeted drug delivery |
University of East Anglia | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 30/6/2016 |
40 | Research Fellow (Fixed Term) – Physics of Sustainability |
University of Cambridge | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 20/6/2016 |
41 | Research Fellow in Synthetic Organic Chemistry |
University of Leeds | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 8/6/2016 |
42 | Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Quantum Effects in Electronic Nanodevices |
University of Oxford | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 13/7/2016 |
43 | PhD Student: Structural Longevity for advanced marine vehicles in extreme environments |
University of Southampton | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 30/6/2016 |
44 | PhD funded Studentship in Optimised greenhouse light environments, modelling whole plant responses to spectral quality |
University of Lincoln | United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 10/6/2016 |
45 | Postdoctoral Fellow – Immunology |
Stanford Medicine | United States |
46 | Postdoctoral Fellow in Cell Biology and Metabolism |
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) | United States |
DeadLine : 9/7/2016 |
Παιδαγωγικές Επιστήμες (1 θέση)
1 | Doctoral Student in Education |
Turun yliopisto University of Turku | Finland |
DeadLine : 1/8/2016 |
Ανθρωπιστικές Επιστήμες (6 θέσεις)
1 | Senior Research Fellow – Biofutures |
Monash University | Australia |
DeadLine : 27/5/2016 |
2 | PhD student – Department of Political Sciences |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 15/5/2016 |
3 | Post doctoral fellowship in Anthropology |
São Paulo Research Foundation | Brazil |
DeadLine : 13/6/2016 |
4 | Doctoral Student in Education |
Turun yliopisto University of Turku | Finland |
DeadLine : 1/8/2016 |
5 | Postdoctoral Researcher in the Evolution of Semantic Systems |
Radboud University | Netherlands |
DeadLine : 5/6/2016 |
6 | Post Doctoral Research Fellow at the Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature (CSMN)/ConceptLab |
University of Oslo | Norway |
DeadLine : 30/5/2016 |
Τέχνες (1 θέση)
1 | 1-2 Postdoctoral Researchers in the Arts |
University of Helsinki | Finland |
DeadLine : 2/6/2016 |
Ιατρική Επιστήμη (8 θέσεις)
1 | Doctoral (PhD) Grant Strategic Basic Research (SB) 5 |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/9/2016 |
2 | Doctoral (PhD) Grant Strategic Basic Research (SB) 4 |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/9/2016 |
3 | Doctoral (PhD) Grant Strategic Basic Research (SB) 2 |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/9/2016 |
4 | Doctoral (PhD) Grant Strategic Basic Research (SB) 1 |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/9/2016 |
5 | Doctoral (PhD) Grant Strategic Basic Research (SB) 3 |
Ghent University | Belgium |
DeadLine : 1/9/2016 |
6 | Post doctoral fellowship in Parasite-Vector Interaction |
São Paulo Research Foundation | Brazil |
DeadLine : 15/5/2016 |
7 | Post doctoral fellowship in Biochemistry and Immunology |
University of São Paulo | Brazil |
DeadLine : 3/7/2016 |
8 | Postdoctoral Fellow in Cell Biology and Metabolism |
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) | United States |
DeadLine : 9/7/2016 |
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